Müüse Iila

About Us:
Müüse is a young art creator who grew up in New York City and currently resides within Minneapolis to attend the Minneapolis College of Art & Design. They enjoy many different art forms and media, they find that art is the only thing that truly gives us any meaning at all. They were born into a family and world full of art and try to incorporate art into as much as they can in day to day life. The darker concepts including depictions of mental health and fear come into play with many of their personal works as they have become a big part of their identity.

Müüse has found a daily writing practice in which they work on their upcoming trilogy- The Legend of Wickhaven. They have worked in a professional setting as both a ghost writer for The Urban Writers, as well as being a videographer for a local Minneapolis band, The Suburbs for their first concert back after quarantine. Most of their experimental film work is showcased on their Youtube channel- MüüSE Productions, and their extravagant makeup, digital and drawn sketches can be seen on their Instagram account.

Contact Us:

Their legal name is currently Lilly Drew for any further needs or inquiries*